Sunday, February 8, 2009

Christmas 2008

We got a train to go around the Christmas tree. Here the kids are setting up the train and playing with it before we even had a Christmas tree.

I took Benny and Baylee to the ward Christmas party. They got to sit on Santa's lap. Benny was not so sure about Santa until he got a present.

We went To my parent's for the annual Christmas eve party. I somehow forgot my camera. I even forgot the clams to go into the clam dip though so this is no big surprise!!

Christmas morning we still could not find my camera. The kids had to sit in our room for almost an hour before Ben found my camera somewhere odd! They got very spoiled as usual!

It worked out that we all went over to Ben's mom's Christmas party later in the afternoon for her annual Christmas lunch. As always, the food was delicious and we had a great time with the family!

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